・IEEE829 (IEEE std829-1998 Standard for Software Test Documentation)

  ① Test Plan Identifer [テスト計画書]
  ② Introduction [序文]
  ③ TestItem [テストアイテム]
  ④ Featured to be tested [テスト対象機能]
  ⑤ Featured not to tested [テスト非対称機能]
  ⑥ Approach [アプローチ]
  ⑦ item pass/fail criteria [テストアイテム 合否判定基準]
  ⑧ Suspension criteria and resumption requirements [テスト中止基準とテスト再開用件]
  ⑨ Test deliverables [テスト成果物]
  ⑩ Testing tasks [テストのタスク]
  ⑪ Environmental needs [テスト環境]
  ⑫ Responsibilities [責任範囲]
  ⑬ Staffing and training needs [人員計画およびトレーニング]
  ⑭ Schedule [スケジュール]
  ⑮ Risk and contingencies [リスクと対策]
  ⑯ Approvals [承認欄]